DAO App Starter

DAO App Starter

Quickly build a DAO app with our starter repo and use Admin (opens in a new tab) app functionality unlocking endless customization options with DAOhaus tooling. We did the hard work of coding the proposals and transactions allowing you to focus on practical use cases.

The starter is written with TypeScript in React and uses the Vite (opens in a new tab) development environment for front-end tooling.


  • Single and multi-DAO capabilities
  • Wallet connection with @daohaus/connect
  • DAO overview and settings pages
  • DAOhaus Admin proposal forms
  • Proposals list and proposal details pages
  • Members list and member details pages
  • An example custom field, form, and transaction

Github (opens in a new tab)



DAO App Examples built using the DAO App Starter and various features from the SDK. If you have an app that you would like to share please holla.