Utilities provide constants, content, helper functions, and types used throughout the libraries and apps.
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How to create a viem client
import { createViemClient } from '@daohaus/utils';
const client = createViemClient({
chainId: '0x1',
rpcs: {
'0x1': 'https://some-rpc-url.com',
How to format time and date from a timestamp in DAO data
import { formatDateTimeFromSeconds } from '@daohaus/utils';
const timeProposalWasCreated = formatDateTimeFromSeconds(proposal.createdAt);
('4:42 pm June 15th 2023');
How to format an address into a shorter string
import { truncateAddress } from '@daohaus/utils';
const shortAddr = truncateAddress('0xf844b98df9ccdfbe5d460d0d7bdca232cf9da923');
How to get the labels for proposal status used in the admin app
import { PROPOSAL_STATUS } from '@daohaus/utils';
const needProcessingLabel = PROPOSAL_STATUS.needsProcessing;
('Ready for Execution');
How to get some info copy for DAO settings
import { INFO_COPY } from '@daohaus/utils';
const votingPeriodInfoText = INFO_COPY.VOTING_PERIOD;
('How long should proposals remain open for voting?');
How to type a token info object return in DAO data
import { TokenInfo } from '@daohaus/utils'
const someToken: TokenInfo = {
decimals: 18,
symbol: 'HAUS',
name: 'HAUS'
logoUri: null,